Dolls head trail! I love it .Why didn’t I think of that? Maybe I’ll start one somewhere.

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I thought if I ever go to Atlanta again I might bring a doll for the trail, but now that you mention it, maybe I should start one around here, though it would probably be seen as a Satanist threat to children and result in a witch hunt.

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All new to me, glad to see it.

"I didn’t compose it or put any effort into it whatsoever."

I don't know why you tell us that. All your pix are prime. You might as well let us think you're working hard all the time.

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Part of my purpose in writing these things is to share some of my knowledge, thoughts, beliefs, and questions about photography, and images in general. As I am typically someone who is very conscious about composition, of course I have to try to consider an alternate philosophy in which composition is meaningless, or perhaps worse than meaningless. Or in this case, how lack of composition can be meaningful in its own way, ultimately perhaps more meaningful when we consider the role retaining memories plays in photography, and how that is actually its main purpose for everyone on the planet besides those few of us who are prone to think too much about these things. I often take photos like this when I realize I'm feeling something about the place I'm in. Unfortunately, they are usually not very remarkable photos and I forget why I took them so cannot put together a project of snapshots whose only compositional strategy was to capture a straight up image of what I was looking at when I was feeling something in a scene. This case turned out a little different as I worked on it in post and then worked to fit it into a written narrative, though I ended up cutting most of it. I guess basically it's old school photojournalism. Just showing what's there without any editorial slant, or compositional trickery. The most acidic criticism my old PJ professor would offer was that a photo was "art."

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